The tragic everyday explores the linear nature to our lives, passing from the womb on a direct path to an office desk - and back again. Asking questions around how engaging with the ‘rat race’ of life conditions us to pass things by and not stop to pause and what we’ve achieved up to this point.
The Toilet
Tags: [Publication]
We use it as an excuse to get a break from a particularly boring or arduous shift at work. We use it to regroup on a night out. We use it to scroll Instagram. We use it to check that we’re looking alright. We use it as an excuse to make a swift getaway from a particularly awkward date. The toilet is an undervalued space - it is used for many things besides simply defecation. This publication is a compendium of thoughts on the toilet.
Visual Thinking
Tags: [Publication] [Collaborative]
Visual Thinking shows the collective effort of Information & Systems Stage 2 students exploring alternative
ways of displaying information. The work shown is a product of five weeks of designing and conceptualizing.
Through group discussions, we were able to push the boundaries by challenging what it means to communicate
visually. This process began...
by investigating and displaying daily activities which then became more focused towardan individual topic. Despite everyone’s outcomes being
vastly different in both content and visual approach, we as editors were able to arrange them into four
sections that follow a narrative sequence. Routine, Movement, Perception and Identity. Whilst we have
arbitrarily separated each individual project into sections, they all exist within the same space. What
unites us is our focus toward producing images that work, whether that be to instruct, inform or explore.
We invite you to read this publication as a narrative - from front to back - or to jump right in and
engage with a specific project. Regardless of how you engage with this publication it will exist as a
record of our collective thoughts on visual thinking.
Generative Identity
Tags: [Creative Computing]
This project aims to explore how we represent ourselves in our largely online lives. Through the medium of generative art the participant is able to produce a visual representation of their emotional identity over time. Each outcome is different, reflecting our ever changing sense of self. ‘Generative identity’ explores questions of identity as it relates to mental health and how we represent ourselves in a digital world. Please feel free to try it for yourself here, and ask yourself; how do you want to be represented?